Французская живопись 17 - 20 вв. из музея изобразительных искусств им. Пушкина, Москва (French Painting from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 17th to 20th Century)

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow ranks high among Soviet museums. Its collections of world art are the second largest in the country, after those belonging to The Hermitage in Leningrad. The Museum prides itself on its collection of French painting, the quantity, selection and artistic quality of the pictures making it one of the most important collections of French art in Europe and the world. The works by French masters in the Museum, totalling over six hundred, are represented in this book by 281 reproductions in full colour. Along with the famous masterpieces, these include pictures that were rarely reproduced before and are thus not very well known. The arrangement of the material in the book reflects the specific character of the collection and the structure of the Museum display. The book is divided into two parts devoted respectively to old French painting and to the painters of modern times. Each of these historical periods has its own characteristics and its collectors. The first part covers the seventeenth, eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century, while the second deals with the predecessors and contemporaries of Impressionism and then reviews the development of French painting up to the 1950s.

- 'Французская живопись 17 - 20 вв. из музея изобразительных искусств им. Пушкина, Москва (French Painting from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 17th to 20th Century)' - Ленинград: Аврора, 1979

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