88 PORTRAIT landscape. The Pushkin Museum
portrait may be
OF PRINCE BORIS GOLITSYN dated to the early 1800s.
Oil and gouache on ivory plate set in a panel. Provenance: 1905 The N. Obolensky Collection, Mos-
27 X 20 cm. Inv. No 933 cow; since 1925 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,
Boris Golitsyn (1769-1813), lieutenant-general, par- Moscow (received from the State Museum Reserve)
ticipated in the 1812 War and died of battle wounds in Exhibitions: 1905 St Petersburg, Cat. 2027; 1955 Mos-
Wilna. The face is drawn in gouache on an ivory cow' Cat'' P- 36' 1956 Leningrad, Cat., p. 27
plate set in a wooden panel on which is painted a Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 83
 88 PORTRAIT landscape. The Pushkin Museum