VINCENT VAN GOGH. 1853-1890 Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Aries). 1888
Oil on canvas. 74 × 93 cm
Acquisitions 1948. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 9116
 VINCENT VAN GOGH. 1853-1890 Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Aries) (fragment). 1888
Oil on canvas. 74 × 93 cm
Acquisitions 1948. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 9116
 VINCENT VAN GOGH. 1853-1890 The Bush. 1889
Oil on canvas. 73 × 92 cm
Signed, bottom left: Vincent
Acquisitions 1930. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 6511
 VINCENT VAN GOGH. 1853-1890 Cottages. 1890
Oil on canvas. 60 × 73 cm
Acquisitions 1948. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 9117