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PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Girl at the Piano (Overture to Tannh äuser). Ca. 1867-68
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Girl at the Piano (Overture to Tannhäuser). Ca. 1867-68

Oil on canvas. 57 × 92 cm

Acquisitions 1948. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 9166

PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Banks of the Marne. 1888
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Banks of the Marne. 1888

Oil on canvas. 65 × 81 cm

Acquisitions 1930. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 6513

PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Banks of the Marne (fragment). 1888
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Banks of the Marne (fragment). 1888

PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Still Life with Drapery. Ca. 1898-99
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Still Life with Drapery. Ca. 1898-99

Oil on canvas. 53 × 72 cm

Acquisitions 1930. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 6514

PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 The Smoker. Ca. 1895
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 The Smoker. Ca. 1895

Oil on canvas. 91 × 72 cm

Acquisitions 1931. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 6561

PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Big Pine near Aix. Ca. 1897-
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Big Pine near Aix. Ca. 1897-

Oil on canvas. 72 × 91 cm

Acquisitions 1948. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 8963

PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906  Mount Sainte-Victoire. 1900
PAUL CEZANNE. 1839-1906 Mount Sainte-Victoire. 1900

Oil on canvas. 78 × 99 cm

Acquisitions 1948. Formerly in the Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow). Inv. No. 8991

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