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Russian Culture Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century

A. Stakenschneider. 1802-1865 The Pavilion Hall. 1850-58
A. Stakenschneider. 1802-1865 The Pavilion Hall. 1850-58

Vase. Second half of the 19th century. Painted by A. Tychagin Imperial Porcelain Factory, St. Petersburg
Vase. Second half of the 19th century. Painted by A. Tychagin Imperial Porcelain Factory, St. Petersburg

Decanter with a lid. 1880s Imperial Glass Works, St. Petersburg
Decanter with a lid. 1880s Imperial Glass Works, St. Petersburg

Bureau. Mid-19th century Workshop of the Hambs, St. Petersburg
Bureau. Mid-19th century Workshop of the Hambs, St. Petersburg

Secretaire inlaid with the Tropical Forest mosaic. 1888-92 Work by A. Shutov Peterhof Lapidary Works, St. Petersburg
Secretaire inlaid with the Tropical Forest mosaic. 1888-92 Work by A. Shutov Peterhof Lapidary Works, St. Petersburg

Vase. 1908-17
Vase. 1908-17

Casket. 1860s
Casket. 1860s

Tea-caddy. 1890s Kurliukov Factory, Moscow
Tea-caddy. 1890s Kurliukov Factory, Moscow

Vase. 1901 Imperial Porcelain and Glass Works, St. Petersburg
Vase. 1901 Imperial Porcelain and Glass Works, St. Petersburg

Wine-cooler. 1908-17 Carl Faberge, Moscow
Wine-cooler. 1908-17 Carl Faberge, Moscow

Bowl. Late 19th century Stroganov College, Moscow
Bowl. Late 19th century Stroganov College, Moscow

Tea-pot and milk-jug 1896-1908. Moscow
Tea-pot and milk-jug 1896-1908. Moscow

N. Kozlov (?) Sculpture group. 1881 After E. Lanceray's model Kasli
N. Kozlov (?) Sculpture group. 1881 After E. Lanceray's model Kasli

Court dress. Late 19th or early 20th century Ivanov Workshop, St. Petersburg
Court dress. Late 19th or early 20th century Ivanov Workshop, St. Petersburg

Detail from decorative fabric. Second half of the 19th century Sapozhnikovs Tapestry Factory
Detail from decorative fabric. Second half of the 19th century Sapozhnikovs Tapestry Factory

Candlestick in the shape of a crocodile Second half of the 19th
Candlestick in the shape of a crocodile Second half of the 19th

Distaff. Early 19th century Umba Village, Murmansk Province Distaff. Second half of the 19th century. Virma Village, Karelia
Distaff. Early 19th century Umba Village, Murmansk Province Distaff. Second half of the 19th century. Virma Village, Karelia

A. Krasovsky. 1848-? The Small Dining Room. 1894
A. Krasovsky. 1848-? The Small Dining Room. 1894

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