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Old Russian Culture Tenth to Seventeenth Century

St Martyr Detail from painted decoration Late 12th or early 13th century Smolensk School
St Martyr Detail from painted decoration Late 12th or early 13th century Smolensk School

Head of a Saint Detail from painted decoration Late 14th century. Pskov School
Head of a Saint Detail from painted decoration Late 14th century. Pskov School

SS Theodore Stratilates and Theodore Tyron 15th century. Novgorod School
SS Theodore Stratilates and Theodore Tyron 15th century. Novgorod School

St Nicholas 13th or early 14th century Novgorod School
St Nicholas 13th or early 14th century Novgorod School

The Transfiguration 16th century
The Transfiguration 16th century

St George Slaying the Dragon 17th century Northern icons
St George Slaying the Dragon 17th century Northern icons

St Nicholas of Mozhaisk 16th century
St Nicholas of Mozhaisk 16th century

Nectarius Kuliuksin St John the Theologian in Silence. 1679 Workshop of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
Nectarius Kuliuksin St John the Theologian in Silence. 1679 Workshop of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

Leaf from the Book of Gospels Mid-16th century. Moscow
Leaf from the Book of Gospels Mid-16th century. Moscow

Leaf from the Book of Titles 17th century. Moscow
Leaf from the Book of Titles 17th century. Moscow

Silver necklace 10th century
Silver necklace 10th century

Kolt pendants 11th or 12th century
Kolt pendants 11th or 12th century

Set of woman's ornaments 11th century
Set of woman's ornaments 11th century

Icon-cloth: The Dormiiion 15th century, Moscow
Icon-cloth: The Dormiiion 15th century, Moscow

Chalice. 1677 Moscow
Chalice. 1677 Moscow

The Holy Gates with the tabernacle; piers Late 17th century
The Holy Gates with the tabernacle; piers Late 17th century

Window inset Late 17th century
Window inset Late 17th century

Scoop granted to Afanasy Zakharyev 1661. Moscow
Scoop granted to Afanasy Zakharyev 1661. Moscow

Bratina loving-cup granted to Prince Mikhail Cherkassky 1660s. Moscow
Bratina loving-cup granted to Prince Mikhail Cherkassky 1660s. Moscow

Processional lantern Late 17th century
Processional lantern Late 17th century

Diadem with tsata pendant and plaques 17th century. Moscow
Diadem with tsata pendant and plaques 17th century. Moscow

Bowl, knife and fork Late 17th century. Solvychegodsk
Bowl, knife and fork Late 17th century. Solvychegodsk

Writing set and hanging Inkstand Late 17th or early 18th century
Writing set and hanging Inkstand Late 17th or early 18th century

Casket Late 17th or early 18th century
Casket Late 17th or early 18th century

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