DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER. 1610-1690 View in the Environs of Brussels
Oil on canvas, transferred from a panel. 26.7 × 38 cm
Signed, bottom right: D. Tenters F.
Acquisitions 1772. Formerly in the Crozat collection (Paris). Inv. No. 567
 DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER. 1610-1690 The Guard-room
Oil on panel. 69 × 103 cm
Signed and dated, bottom left: David Tenters F. 1642
Acquisitions 1815. Formerly in Josephine Beauharnais's collection (Malmaison, near Paris). Inv. No. 583
 DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER. 1610-1690 The Guard-room (fragment)