LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 1489/94-1533 The Healing of the Blind Man of Jericho (central portion). Triptych
Oil on canvas, transferred from a panel. 115.7 × 150.3 cm (central portion)
Acquisitions 1772. Formerly in the Crozat collection (Paris). Inv. No. 407
 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 1489/94-1533 Heralds (left wings). Triptych.
Oil on canvas, transferred from a panel 89 × 33.5 cm (wings)
Acquisitions 1772. Formerly in the Crozat collection (Paris). Inv. No. 407
 LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 1489/94-1533 Heralds (right wings). Triptych.
Oil on canvas, transferred from a panel 89 × 33.5 cm (wings)
Acquisitions 1772. Formerly in the Crozat collection (Paris). Inv. No. 407